Tip: To benefit from our familiarity intelligence feature, enabling you to identify unusual clauses in the contracts you review, you first need to sign at least 1 contract in the Deal type.
To get the best possible experience from this feature, sign as many contracts as you can in each deal type. You can use the 'bulk actions' toggle on the Negotiations Dashboard to select and sign multiple (up to 30) contracts at once.
30 signed contracts will usually index in approximately 10 minutes, but this timescale can vary according to demands on the system at any one time.
Our AI uses your signed contracts to draw comparisons, and so the more contracts you have, the more illustrative the tool will be of the frequency with which you have agreed to wording in the past. For example, 75% of 4 past clauses is less persuasive than 75% of 40 past clauses.
To enable the part of the feature that compares the contract against a 'template' or 'standard' document, you must set at least one template contract for the deal type. See our separate articles about Enabling Familiarity and Template Familiarity.