💡 Note:
Whether you can download Add-ins from the Office Store or Microsoft AppSource will depend on your organization's security settings.
If you cannot install the Add-in yourself, please share Installing the Word Add-In for your Organization and Users with your IT department so they can choose from Microsoft-provided solutions for managing Add-in access.
To continue, log in with the credentials provided in your welcome email.
⚠️ Caution:
Microsoft Word 2016 and some versions of 2019 use Internet Explorer 11 to display the ThoughtRiver application via the Word Add-In. As Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported by Microsoft, you may encounter performance issues.
To continue, log in with the credentials provided in your welcome email.
You must be logged into a Microsoft account to download Office Add-Ins from AppSource.
To continue, log in with the credentials provided in your welcome email.
For step-by-step instructions, explore this interactive walkthrough.