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I'm seeing lots of incorrect clauses linked to an issue that shouldn't be linked to it.

Some document formatting may cause missing clause numbers that impact predictions.

If you are experiencing issues raised by the system with a number of incorrect clauses linked to the issue, it may be because of some formatting in Microsoft Word.

How you, a human, views and reads a document is not the same way in which ThoughtRiver code views and reads a document. It's precisely this difference that can provide huge improvements in speed of reading and ultimately precision, but can from time to time encounter problems.

How can I tell if this is my problem?

If a contract which has clause numbering in the Microsoft Word file is displayed without clause numbering in the web application your contract has likely fallen victim to this issue.

If you see many incorrect linked clauses, what the system would say is over recall, then we recommend you review the clause numbering displays in the browser version.

If Microsoft Word displays this:

Original contract text in Microsoft Word displaying with clauses as a list

But ThoughtRiver is displaying this (clauses a, b, c labeling is missing):

Clauses displaying without clause numbers in ThoughtRiver contract view via web browser

You can get a lot of false positives which otherwise would not have occurred. This boils down to how our system can then read and interpret the contract. 

How can I fix the problem?

There is a manual workaround that you can employ while our engineers are working on a solution. 

You will need to remove all formatting in the document. The best way to do this without missing any hidden formatting is to copy the contract into Notepad (or equivalent simple text editor). You should open a new Word document and copy the contract from Notepad into the new file.

Use this new file to upload your contract to ThoughtRiver.

Our engineers are working on a solution to better handle document formatting anomalies such as this.